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  Tarheel Central Chapter MOAA: Serving Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Stokes, Forsyth, and Davidson counties in NC

About : Tarheel Central Chapter MOAA

Information about the Tarheel Chapter

About TCC : Tarheel Central Chapter

Chapter’s National MOAA Awards
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These streamers drape our National MOAA Flag pole.

The medallions and accompanying year pins show the numerous 5 Star and 4 Star awards

the Chapter has earned from MOAA National over the years

Posted 03/09/25 11:22 by The Webmaster Under About TCC Permalink 1741533740
Chapter Mission
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In concert with the Military Officers Association of America purposes and objectives our goal is to foster fraternal relations among retired, active, and former officers of the uniformed services and their Reserve and National Guard components. Our aim is to actively promote the protection of the rights and interests of members of the uniformed services, their family members, including survivors, provide useful services for members and their families, and serve the community, the active military forces (past, present, and future) and our nation. The Tarheel Central Chapter (NC08) is a 501(c) 19 organization.

Posted 03/27/24 18:48 by The Webmaster Under About TCC Permalink 1711579725
Membership Meetings
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Members, prospective members, spouses and guests meet monthly on the second Tuesday at Salem Glen Country Club, 1000 Glen Day Drive in Clemmons. The dress is business casual. The cost is $25 per person including coffee and tea. A cash bar is available. The cocktail social begins at 5:00 p.m. with dinner starting at about 6pm. We strive to always provide an interesting and informative Guest Speaker that follows our dinner hour and dessert.

Link to Calendar
Posted 03/27/24 18:49 by The Webmaster Under About TCC Permalink 1711579792
Chapter Dues
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Annual Dues are $45.

Annual dues are necessary to provide for the Chapter’s annual expenditure, appropriate reserves, and the Chapter’s continuing sound condition.

Posted 03/27/24 18:55 by The Webmaster Under About TCC Permalink 1711580158
Website Navigation Information
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Using your mouse:

* Left-click any menu choice in the left column of the "Home" page to be taken to that selection.

* Choose any of the navigation links in the sub-menu to learn more about MOAA.

* To return to the "Home" menu at any time, left-click the MOAA logo in the upper right hand corner of each page.

* If you want to have a printed copy giving a more complete description of the navigation instructions, follow the link below:

Posted Jan 13, 2014 by Dennis Lennon Under About TCC Permalink 1260231806

Social Media

Chapter Monthly Newsletter
Chapter Bulletins
Chapter Facebook Page

Membership : Joining TCC

Who is eligible to join MOAA and the Tarheel Central Chapter?
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* All current and former commissioned and warrant officers of the eight Uniformed Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Command, Coast Guard, U.S. Public Health Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the reserve and other components of these services are eligible for membership.

* Widows and widowers of any deceased individual, who would, if living, be eligible for membership.

* Regular members must hold and maintain membership in both MOAA National and the local Chapter.

Posted Jan 13, 2013 by Dennis Lennon Under Membership Permalink 1710119212
Why Join Tarheel Central Chapter MOAA
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If you are considering joining our chapter here are seven good reasons for any officer—active duty, Guard, Reserve, former, or retired, or their surviving spouse—to join. Or, if you are already a chapter member seeking to explain what our chapter and MOAA is about to a potential member here are your talking points.

Make yourself heard. MOAA’s chapters provide critical grassroots support for MOAA’s national legislative agenda. Our benefits are under attack and MOAA is in the fight to preserve them. Chapter members let their legislators know what’s on their minds and open doors for MOAA’s legislative team in Washington, D.C. In these challenging times, MOAA members need to stick together, and our chapters are the best way we know to do that.

Giving back to the community. Chapter members are MOAA’s ambassadors in their communities, supporting countless programs that make a difference in the lives of others. These members continue their “officership” service and are giving back in the truest sense.

Value added to chapter member lives. MOAA chapters sponsor interesting programs and opportunities to interact with civic, political, military, and business leaders on issues important to members.

Networking with fellow officers. Chapters include second career members in the work force and retired service members who have contacts in their communities that can be valuable to transitioning officers.

Stay informed. Chapter newsletters, websites, and meetings provide you the latest information on local, state, and national issues and changes to military benefits.

Influencing state legislation. Most states have a council of chapters that unites every MOAA chapter in the state. These councils and independent chapters in states without a council often lobby for and pass state-level legislation that affects military members and their families, such exempting military retired pay from state income tax or increasing funding for state-run VA programs.

Camaraderie with a purpose. Many chapter members miss the camaraderie and core values of military service and want to develop close and lasting friendships with other members with similar backgrounds and interests.

Posted 03/27/24 18:59 by The Webmaster Under Membership Permalink 1711580378
MOAA and CHAPTER Membership Enrollment
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If you would like to become a member please click the Download button above for the combined MOAA National and the Tarheel Central Chapter Membership Enrollment Form. Fill this out on your computer with the requested information and print out two (2) copies. Keep one for your own records and mail the other one, along with your $45.00 membership fees check made out to: Tarheel Central Chapter, MOAA Inc

mailed to

149 Club Pointe Drive<

Winston-Salem, NC 27104

Posted Jan 13, 2014 by Dennis Lennon Under Membership Permalink 1711650968

Philanthrophy : Worthy Cause Support

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Annually, the chapter awards two $1,500 scholarships to college bound graduating JROTC high school students in the six-county area we serve (Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry and Yadkin counties). Members are encouraged to donate $100 per year to support the JROTC Scholarship Fund.

Posted 03/27/24 18:51 by The Webmaster Under Philanthrophy Permalink 1711579891
Clipping Coupons
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Clipping Coupons for Troops: Although there are fewer troops overseas, more families are being affected by inflation and increases in food prices. The TCC sends clipped coupons to two overseas bases.

Mail coupons to: TBN

Posted 03/27/24 18:51 by The Webmaster Under Philanthrophy Permalink 1711638913
Triad Honor Flight
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The board of directors has determined this worthy cause is deserving of donations:

To celebrate America’s veterans by inviting them to share in a day of honor at our nation’s memorials. There is no cost associated to the veteran and a $600 cost to the veterans Guardian. Vision: A nation where all of America’s veterans experience the honor, gratitude and community support they deserve. Several of our Tarheel members have been provided with this wonderful opportunity to visit our Nations Capital to see the war memorials that have been erected in their honor.

Posted 03/27/24 18:52 by The Webmaster Under Philanthrophy Permalink 1711639089
Toys for Tots
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The board of directors has determined this worthy cause is deserving of donations:

Toys for Tots: Mission: to collect new unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to less fortunate children at Christmas. Goal: Through the gift of a new toy, help bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America’s less fortunate children.

Posted 03/27/24 18:52 by The Webmaster Under Philanthrophy Permalink 1711639346
Marine Corp League Mud Run
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The board of directors has determined this worthy cause is deserving of donations:

Marine Corps League Mud Run — A Charity Event: hosted by Marine Corps League Percy John Fulton Detachment No. 1075 in Winston-Salem. Supporting the following charities: Semper Fi & America’s Fund, Camp Lejeune; the Fisher House at Camp Lejeune; Toys for Tots / Young Marines Youth Program; State Veterans Home, Salisbury; Wreaths Across America, National Cemetery, Salisbury; City Lights Ministry, Winston-Salem; Saving Grace K-9, Lexington; The Hero’s Center, High Point; Irreverent Warriors.

Posted 03/27/24 18:52 by The Webmaster Under Philanthrophy Permalink 1711579971